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Here you can view some statistics on your events progress which includes total views, amount of unique people viewing your event, and how many tickets have been purchased compared to the amount of visitors.

You can also export attendees, purchases, tracking codes and transactions. All of these will be exported to an excel sheet. 

Although it's great to track the promoters, you may also want to be able to view how many clicks you're getting through your website and Facebook page which can be found under Website Referrals.

1. Log into your MyGuestlist account

2. Click on the Ticketing tab

3. Click on Dashboard under the event name

4. Click on the Reporting tab

Public Report gives you a URL that you can share to view how the ticket sales are going. Perfect for sharing with your manager or other stakeholders to see ticket sales.

Export Attendees will give you a spreadsheet containing all of the information that attendees have entered on the registration page. This is the export to choose if you have collected dietary requirements and need to send the details to the venue for meal specifications, or if you're assigning tables and you've asked patrons who they would like to sit with.

Export Registrations will give you a 'per-ticket' breakdown of costs, including price paid, gross profit, processing fees, net amount, discounts and refunds.

Export Purchases does the same as 'Export Registrations' but clumps people who have purchased multiple tickets as one line, instead of separate lines in the spreadsheet.


Export Tracking Codes will give you a spreadsheet containing all of your promoter tracking codes, including how many purchases have been made through those codes, and the revenue from those purchases. If you're trying to calculate how much to pay your promoters, this is the export for you.

Export Discount Codes will give you details about any discount codes you have set up for your account. This includes when it started, when it finished, how many were available, how many were used, which sessions is applied to and a direct URL for the discount code.

Export Transactions will give you a breakdown of how much money comes in per ticket, as well as how much goes out for the booking fee.

Export Ticket Cost Breakdown gives you the name of the ticket, how many tickets have been sold for that type, and the cost per ticket. It's essentially a spreadsheet of the 'Tickets' tab in your event, but only shows ticket types where purchases have been made.

Export Check-Ins shows you which patrons checked into your event, and which did not. 

Website Referrers shows you can see the amount of traffic that is coming from that site. In the example below, you can see 145 patrons viewed the event from Facebook, and 115 viewed the event from the mobile Facebook site. 

  • 123
  • 19-Jul-2017