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Home > Date Reminders > An Overview of Date Reminders & Triggers
An Overview of Date Reminders & Triggers
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The Date Reminder feature allows you to automatically setup campaigns to be sent to members & patrons based on a specific date or search of your database. 


For example, you can choose to send out an email to somebody 20 days before their birthday. Alternatively, you can create an advanced search based on any data from your MyGuestlist account and send out a campaign whenever a user matches this criteria (eg: Send an email when a patron spends over $1000 in the last month and has a birthday in the next 10 days etc...)



Four different types of automated triggers can be setup:

  1. Campaigns sent before/after a birthday

  2. Campaigns sent when somebody joins your database.

  3. Campaigns sent before/after any custom database date (eg: Anniversary Date, Check-In Date, Reservation Date etc..)

  4. Campaigns that are triggered when a specified search criteria has been met. 


You can choose to send out your campaigns as Emails or SMS Texts. You can also choose to mix it up and create a sequenece of messages (for example: 30 days before a birthday, send out an email. Then, 5 days before a birthday send a text message etc...). 


Use these features to automatically send out promotions & thank you notes to your members and entice them to book their upcoming function/guestlist at your next event.




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