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Home > COVID-19 Guide > Examples from the industry
Examples from the industry
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Below is a list of campaigns, pivots, tips, innovations and examples of how the hospitality, events and entertainment industries are dealing with the pandemic.


Restaurants & Bars

Buy your bestie a parma

Home delivered support packs

11th Free

Seafood Takeaway

All the wine


Morso at home

How to help Restaurants

What can be done to help restaurants?

How restaurants are changing their model

On wheels

Meal boxes

Daily specials


Ready Set Maha Go

Kingfish Sashimi Recipe

How to support local suppliers

Industry beans

One fish two fish

Stones of the Yarra Valley

Firedoor Market Box

House of pocket

Online specials


Uniquely targeted campaigns



Another birthday


Party Celebration Ideas

List of celebration ideas for the whole year


Entertainment venues

Virtual Music Events Directory

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