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Home > Reservations > How do I manage my reservation fields?
How do I manage my reservation fields?
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1. Log into your MyGuestlist account

2. Click on the Guestlist tab


3. Change the view to Reservations (top right corner of the Guestlists tab)


4. Click on Manage Fields (located in the orange menu, 2nd form the top)



Managing fields includes creating, editing and removing.


 Add a Field

Reservations > Manage Fields > Add a Field


You start by selecting a custom field


After clicking on one of the options, naming your new field and clicking next, you will see something similar to this:


By clicking the 3 bars you see on the right, you can move the field.


Drag and drop the box wherever you want it to be displayed.


Once you save, your database will contain this new field.


 Change A Field


You can either change a particular field, or change the fields ordering


Change a single field

1. Select the field you'd like to change from the drop down box.

2. Rename the field

3. Save and close


You can also delete the field by clicking on the 'Delete Field' tab next to details.



Beware! If you delete a field that contains any information then all that information will be deleted as well.



Change the ordering

You will see a list of fields that are on your database

By clicking the 3 bars you see on the right, you can move the field.

Drag and drop the box wherever you want it to be displayed.


 Delete A Field


You can only select the fields that you have created to delete.


You can click on anywhere on the box to select it.


Clicking delete will PERMANENTLY delete the field and ALL of it's contained information.


This cannot be undone.


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