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Home > Email > Sending Campaigns > Send a flyer as a campaign
Send a flyer as a campaign
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1. Log into MyGuestlist


2. Click on the Email tab 


3. Click on Send a Campaign


4. Enter a name for your campaign (Only you can see the name), click Next


5. Enter a Subject for your campaign, click Next

[Subjects are one of the most important things about your campaign. We recommend you choose something attention grabbing, cheeky, or anything else that will make your contacts want to open your e-mail.]



6. Choose the E-mail Layout 'Blank Canvas'


7. Click 'Open Editor'


8. Remove the default content block on the screen


9. Add an Image content block to your email


10. Hover over the image, and click 'Edit Image'


11. Click 'Upload or use an existing image'


12. Click 'Upload' & browse for the image on your computer


13. Once the image is loaded it will appear on the screen. Double click on the image.

It will now show the URL inside the Image box, so click done to insert it into your email.




14. Make sure you add some text in the header section as this plays a big part for your open rate.



We always recommend you send yourself a test before continuing.


15. Save and close the email editor.


16. Click Next


17. Select who you would like to send this campaign to


18. Select if you'd like to send this campaign now or later. To send it later select 'Schedule' and enter in a date.


19. Very last Step!!

This is the very last confirmation screen that shows you all your details. 

Make sure these are all correct before sending anything out.


Click to Send/Schedule your campaign.


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