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Home > Competitions > What are MyGuestlist Competitions?
What are MyGuestlist Competitions?
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MyGuestlist Competitions allow you to run your own competition, to encourage brand awareness or increase your database.


There are several types of competitions you can run, including Refer a Friend, Question and Answer, Creative Answer, Instagram Hashtag, Like/Follow Social Profiles and Tweet/Status update.


Survey your existing contacts

Would you stop sending your weekly Beer-a-thon newsletter if you found out 80% of the contacts in your database actually hate beer? Knowing your database and what they're interested in will help you effectively market to them.


Competitions give people incentive to answer your questions, so you can market to the right people, and know your database. Consider using a Question and Answer or Creative Answer competition to survey your database.


Increase Your Database

If you received an email asking you to refer your friends, without an incentive or prize would you? Probably not. Now imagine you received an email from one of your friends, who has invited you to enter a competition for a chance to win a round-the-world holiday.


Refer a Friend competitions are a great way to create your very own viral competition, and increase your database size dramatically.


Increase your brand awareness on social media

Using our social competitions, you can increase who's talking about your competition or venue, which is then seen by their friends. As word-of-mouth about your competition increases, so will the entries to your competition.


Combine Competitions Together

You can combine all the different kind of competitions together, offering entrants more chances to win. Allow entrants to answer what their favourite drink is, and then ask them to refer their friends to get more chances to win, and increase your database size.


On your website and Facebook

MyGuestlist Competitions can easily be installed to your website, and Facebook Page to ensure no matter where people are viewing your venue, they can enter your competition.


Enter on-the-go or behind the desk

All MyGuestlist Competitions are designed to work on a range of devices, from your laptop/desktop PC, right down to your tablet or smartphone. Your competition will look great no matter where your entrants are viewing your competition.



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