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Home > Competitions > Competition Types > Like/Follow Social Profiles
Like/Follow Social Profiles
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Reward entrants for liking and following you on social networks

With a Like/Follow Social Profile competition, you can offer people a chance to win your competition simply by liking your Facebook Page, or following you on Twitter. People who already like your page or follow you don't miss out, as they can also enter for a chance to win.


To enter this type of Competition, entrants will need to authorise the MyGuestlist Competitions application. Without this, their entry cannot be confirmed. Once they've authorised this app, their entry will be processed automatically.


Are entrants stored in my database?

Entrants who like or follow you on Twitter are not added to your MyGuestlist database. You'll need to combine this competition with a Refer a Friend, Question and Answer or Creative Answer competition to add entrants to your database.


Contacting winners

At the end of your competition, once you've decided on a winner, you'll need to contact them. You can contact Twitter followers using a direct message, or send a private message to Facebook users via

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