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Home > Ticketing > Manually Adding Attendees
Manually Adding Attendees
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Manually registering patrons to your event allows you to supply a patron with a ticket they may have paid for at your venue or over the phone, instead of through the ticketing system. This will add the $ amount for the ticket to your revenue, but will not include the booking fee as the money was not collected through MyGuestlist.


If you are wanting to provide comp. tickets, please do so using a Discount code.


1. Log into your MyGuestlist account

2. Click on the Ticketing tab


3. Click on 'Dashboard' for the event you want to add attendees to


4. Click on the Attendees tab, then click on Manual Registration



5. Select the quantity of tickets from the drop down

Manual Registrations do not accept payments as its assumed you collected payment outside of MyGuestlist.


6. Enter the contact details for the customer


7. Check that the contact details are correct and click Proceed


8. Check the selected ticket is correct and click proceed (no payment will be made)


The success page will display and an email will be sent to the customer. This email will include the amount paid for the ticket (which would have been collected outside of MyGuestlist)

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